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Andria Maleč 2013

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Odziv na Međunarodni turnir Andrija Maleč je više nego dobar i mnogo bolji od očekivanog.

Osim već niz godina prisutnog tima Srbije, koji će i ove godine biti prisutan sa svoja 2 tima (A i B) ove godine prisustvuje i Turska sa svoja 2 tima (A i B) koja u sastavu ima europske i svjetske šampione), kao i Albanija.

Njemačka je ove godine morala otkkazati jer se u isto vrijeme održava Prvenstvo Njemačke, kao i nekoliko drugih država sa europskim prvacima koje su planirale doći (poput Italije), ali koje su obavezne prisustvovati na Small Countries Tournament, koji je isti dan.

Ove godine se očekuje puno bolji kvalitet borbe i u ženskoj konkurenciji, jer između ostalih dolaze i 3 turkinje.


Da Andrija Maleč - Internacionalni turnir postaje sve važniji u svijetu svjedoči i to što je nakom prošlogodišnjeg (i ovogodišnjeg) ubacivanja na IWF Kalendar, sve privlačniji specijalnim gostima. Prošle godine nas je svojim prisustvom počastio tadašnji Generalni Sekretar EWF-a Marino Ercolani Cassadei, a sada će nas počastiti svojim prisustvom Tehnički direktor IWF-a Attila Adamfi.

To je velika čast za turnir Andirja Maleč i za BiH.

Selektor Namik Omerović je već objavio spisak takmičara za reprezentaciju na turniru Andrija Maleč, a to su:

Nermin Zečić kadet, Asmir Trešnjo junior, Nermin Begić - senior i Olivera Jurić - žena.

Ukoliko bude potrebno da nastupi i B Tim BiH sastav će biti određen naknadno.

Slijedi pozivno pismo (na engleskom jeziku) koje je poslano određenom broju reprezentacija:



International Memorial Tournament Andrija Malec

April 26th – April 28th Sarajevo

Dear Sirs,

On behalf of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Weightlifting Federation we are pleased to invite you to participate in the International Tournament Andrija Malec Memorial, April 27
th 2013, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The competition is on the IWF 2013 Calendar.

Conditions for Tournament Andrija Malec are:

We provide the accommodation and full board for 2 days for one team made of 4 athletes (one female and 3 male (youth, junior and senior) and 2 officials (one coach and one team leader (must be int. referee).

Each team will be made up of:

1 female athlete and 1 male youth, 1 male junior and 1 male senior

It is possible to compete with one competitor (female or male).

The team that reaches the highest number of points, based on the Sinclair Formula, will be declared the winner, followed by second, third, etc.
If an athlete fails an exercise in 3 attempts, she/ he may continue to compete in the following exercise. Points will be calculated for the valid exercise.

The first three teams will be awarded with cups.

Besides team prizes, winners of the youth, junior, senior and female will be awarded, respectively in the two lifts and in the total.

The first classified team will be proclaimed
“Andrija Malec – Champion Team 2013”

Financial Conditions

The host provides the accommodation and full board for 2 days for one team made of 4 athletes (one female and 3 male (youth, junior and senior) and 2 officials (one coach and one referee (Referee is compulsory – team leader).

The participants bear the costs of arrival and departure.
Final Entry Forms (on last page) must be received by the Organizing Committee before 26th March, 2013.




General Secretary of
Bosnia and Hezegovina
Weightlifting Federation

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